
Who are you?⌗
Think carefully and read slowly. Really, stop. Read slow enough to understand the full meaning of each individual word.
Now, in your mind ask yourself: who are you?
Your name? No, that’s not you. Your hobbies? No. Your job? Neither. Everything you do? Closer, but that’s not you. Everything you did? Getting hotter, but that’s still not you. Everything you think or thought? Interesting, but you aren’t that.
Did you ran out of ideas?
Then, who are you?
A story⌗
You are your story. That is not necessarily what you did or saw, but what you observed. Every time you notice something, you are building your story.
We live by, and for stories. We live our story while hearing, reading and witnessing other real and fictional stories. Sometimes we disbelief real stories, and believe in fictional stories.
Real stories are those that were observed by someone, even if they observed the wrong thing. Fictional stories are made up for us to learn, to remember, to know what to observe, to dream about our story.
Stories are what move us forward, what makes you want to walk faster, speak louder. They are also what makes you want to grind your teeth or lay down the whole day. They are what makes you want to fight for something, for someone, or flee. However, you must remember: your story is what you observe. Anything you see or hear, any action that you take and don’t observe, is not written in your story.
Other people will have a different story about themselves and about you. Everything you do, every choice you make, was grown on top of your story and the stories you know.
If you can’t find answers to your questions, if you are stuck running in circles, if you lack resolve in your decisions, keep building your story. Try to observe yourself and the world around you more. Therefore, if you can’t answer my question, that is why: Attention Is All You Need.